Volunteer Opportunities for Donors
Comprehensive Harm Reduction Supply Packing
Health Brigade’s Needle Exchange promotes the rights and humanity of all people regardless of their substance use by acknowledging the harms associated with drug use are often linked to systemic oppression, criminalization, and stigma. Our CHR program provides needle exchange and other services to people who use drugs by distributing hundreds of bags of safer use supplies, hygiene kits, and Narcan in the Richmond community weekly. Your group would assemble bags of supplies and preparing them for distribution to our clients by HB Staff.
Stocking the Little Pantry
We invite you or your team to adopt the little pantry outside of the Health Brigade building for one month. This pantry provides canned goods, hygiene products and other nonperishable items for community members to grab as they are needed.
Comprehensive Harm Reduction Bag Collection
Do you have store bags around the house that you no longer need and need a place to get rid of them to help an important cause? Well, we would love to take those off your hands. Health Brigade needs plastic bags for our CHR program no amount too little.
Ryan White Part B Program Supply Drive
Health Brigade’s Ryan White Part B program provides medical case management, food vouchers/groceries, emergency housing financial assistance, and medical transportation for low-income clients living with HIV/AIDS. Our Ryan White program is requesting packs of Ensure/Boost, adult diapers, and new clothing items (various sizes of socks, underwear, sweatpants, jeans, and plain shirts) for clients.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Volunteer Program Manager Kelsea Jeter at (804) 533-2743 or [email protected]